“Poor Papa” marks the debut of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit in his own animated short film. For this project, I took on the challenge of recreating the original title card, enhancing it with vibrant colors to breathe new life into this classic piece of animation history. As a special treat, I’ve also included the full film following the illustration process, giving viewers the opportunity to immerse themselves in the charming world of Oswald from start to finish. I hope you all enjoy this journey down memory lane!


The first Oswald cartoon, “Poor Papa,” holds a special place in animation history as the inaugural adventure featuring Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. Produced in 1927 by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks, this short film introduced audiences to the lovable Oswald character and set the stage for numerous animated escapades to come. However, despite its significance, “Poor Papa” was considered lost for decades, with no known surviving copies. It wasn’t until recently that a fortunate discovery brought this cherished piece of animation back into the spotlight. Unearthed from the depths of an archive or stumbled upon in an unexpected place, the recovery of “Poor Papa” has reignited interest in Oswald’s origins and provided a glimpse into the early days of animated storytelling. This miraculous find serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving our cinematic heritage and the joy of uncovering lost treasures from the past.